Conferences and Reports
Parent conferences are scheduled with the parents of all children in October and March. A written report will also be sent home in January and June for all children. In addition to these, parents or teachers may call for conferences as the need arises.
Homework is gradually introduced to the child as a preparation for home study in their future educational careers. It is used primarily to promote independent work habits, to use skills they are establishing, and to memorize material to be used later in class.
For the children to get the full value from the homework, parents must help create the proper conditions and atmosphere for concentration and study. A quite room in the house where other people in the family are also reading or studying is ideal.
Children in their kindergarten year will receive the Stanford Early School Achievement Test in the spring before they enter the first grade. Elementary Class children will take a monthly Test that is appropriate. These tests help the children gain some familiarity with taking tests, which will be a large part of their educational and adult careers.
Children requiring tutoring may have their own private or public school tutor at the school. The school will alert the parent if it feels tutoring is necessary. The school also provides guidance as to what resources are available to children with special needs.
Arrival and Dismissal
It is imperative that arrival and dismissal times be closely adhered to. The time before class is vital for teacher preparation to ensure a smooth and productive day. We ask that you arrive no earlier than ten minutes before the start of class. Promptness in a child’s life is very important. Children who arrive late and are picked up late feel awkward and uncomfortable.
Tardiness is very disruptive to the teachers and classes in session and will not be tolerated. Therefore, it is the policy of the School not to accept children who are tardy (15 minutes) for more than five days. Parent will be asked to take their children home again and the same for the School bus tardy (2 minutes) for five days Parent will be asked to take their children to school alone.
With an increasing enrollment, we are eager to see the formation of as many carpools as possible. Carpool forms need to be returned to the School on or before the first day of school. For your child’s protection, we will not release any child to someone other than a parent in the absence of written authorization. We are very strict about this point and will not allow any child to ride in a car with a person we do not know or about whom we have not been notified previously.
Parents are asked to notify the School when a child will be absent for more than three days. Communicable diseases are reported to the School immediately.
Children can enjoy having a birthday snack at school. We suggest that parents provide a special cake for their child’s celebration.
If you are planning a home party for your child, please do not hand out invitations in school likewise, if your child is attending a party after school, please do not send gifts to school with your child. In the past, we found that these situations can be upsetting for those who are not invited. This can create hurt feelings and sad children. It would be more appropriate to mail invitations and plan weekend parties.
Extra Clothes
The school requires each child to have a complete change of clothing including underwear and socks. The clothing should be packed in a shoe box or clear plastic box with the child’s name on it, and brought to school the first day.
Field Trips
During the course of the year, children will have filed trips to enrich their learning experiences. Generally, only small groups of children go on field trips at one time, and all trips will be well chaperoned by teachers. All field trips will be announced in advance, and all children must have a signed permission form on before participating.
In the event of an accident or sudden onset of illness, the School will not hesitate to seek proper care for a child. The child’s individual emergency instructions on file in the school office are consulted immediately and the parents are called. If necessary, the child will be transported to the hospital. The consent statement that the parent signs will accompany the child so that treatment can be given immediately in the absence of the parent. It is imperative that you keep the emergency contact information in the office up-to-date.
It is a tradition for the children in Montessori Schools all over the world to present their class with a book for the classroom library to celebrate their birthdays. This begins to enable children to learn the value and pleasure of giving rather than just receiving. Parents wishing to participate in this tradition should inscribe the book with the child’s name and birth date the number birthday the child is celebrating. You may want to consult your child’s teacher as to the choice of books.
Health Policy
If your child requires medication, please have your doctor sign a clearly prescription and give it to the Administrator. Written parental authorization must also accompany each medication.
The following is a list of symptoms to guide you in deciding whether your child should be sent to School. Do not send your child to school on days when any of the following symptoms are present:
- Fever
- Rash
- cough
- Discharge of discolored or profuse amounts of mucous from the nose
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Sore throat
The following are a few facts about the common communicable diseases of childhood:
MEASLES: Incubation period 10-14 days. First symptoms: fever, runny nose, cough, rash. Period of communicability: from cough, runny nose- nine days; after rash appears- five days.
GERMAN MEASLES: Incubation period 14-21 days. Same symptoms as measles. Period of communicability: four days after start of rash and catarrhal symptoms.
CHICKEN BOX: Incubation period 13-17 days. First symptoms – slight fever and rash. Period of communicability: not more than one day before nor six days after appearance of rash.
MUMPS: Incubation period 12-26 days. Symptoms: fever, swelling, and tenderness in salivary glands. Periods of communicability: seven days before symptoms; nine days after symptoms have appeared.
Holidays are celebrated in each environment according to the discretion of the classroom teachers.
Please pack a well-balanced, nutritional meal, excluding candy and other highly sugared foods with excessive quantities of additives and preservatives. The School has information available containing lunch box suggestions. Please make sure the children’s names are clearly marked on their lunch boxes. The elementary aged children should be encouraged to pack their own nutritionally balanced lunches.
The School sends home a newsletter periodically to inform parents of the current topics of study, pertinent notices, etc. This enables parents to follow up on school studies at home through books, trips, and general discussion.
Parents and grandparents may visit their children’s classrooms, but appointments must be made ahead of time. This is time for the children to share their school day with their parents and grandparents. Observations during the regular school day may be scheduled by calling the school secretary for an appointment.
New children visit in a classroom in the spring before the September enrollment. An annual Open House is scheduled the Saturday before school opens for the children and their families.
In order to facilitate the adjustment to school, the Pre-School Class is divided in half for the first two weeks and children attend on alternate days during that period. We have found that such a transition helps children adjust quickly and easily to classroom procedures. Elementary Class children start full-time the first day of school.
Children may not bring toys to the classroom. Books or other educational material that might be of interest to all children are welcome. Be sure that the children’s names are marked on all books.